Jr Beach Boys and Girls 2's 7-30-17 (Sun)


8:30 am - 4:30 pm


Bookings closed


Charlotte Beach
4650 Lake Road , Rocheester, Ny, 14612
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***Online is now closed!!!  Walk ups welcome!!!***

We are back in Charlotte after a week away and hopefully you are ready to play in the deep stuff! It’s our last weekend in July and it’s sad to say we only have 1 more month before our summer sadly comes to an end.  Luckily, we have a bunch more events for you so let’s keep chugging along! Check in will begin at 8:30am and we will start by 9am!

Early registration by Wednesday at 11:59pm for Juniors/Intermediate is $25, and Advanced is $30. Registration by Friday at noon Juniors/Intermediate $27.50 and Advanced is $32.50. Day of registration (please arrive by 8:30am) for Juniors/Intermediate is $30 for Intermediate and Advanced is $35.  The NOVA fee is required and will cost $20 the day of the tournament and it includes a T-Shirt! The NOVA fee will last 1 year to date. In addition to cash and checks, we will be excepting credit cards at the beach. A service charge will be included if a credit card is used.


Bookings are closed for this event.