Online registration is now closed. Walk-ups always welcome!
June 29th Charlotte Beach Men’s and Women’s 2’s (Open/Intermediate)
Oh no! This is our last weekend of tournaments in June! It’s o.k. it’s o.k. Still 2 more months to go! I told you the summer goes by fast! Check in will begin at 8:30 a.m. The NOVA Fee is required for this event.
(NOVA reserves the right to move any team that we feel is not playing in the appropriate division for their team’s skill level)
Early registration by Wednesday at 11:59 pm for Intermediate $25, and Advanced is $30. Registration by Friday at 12 noon (online registration closes) for Intermediate is $27.50, and Advanced is $32.50. Day of registration for Intermediate is $30, and Advanced is $35. Don’t forget your $20 annual NOVA fee is required, and you can take care of that the morning of the tourney- includes an event T Shirt.
NOVA Summer 2019 Men’s and Women’s Pay Scale
6 teams or less-$120 team
7-11 teams-$200 team
12-15 teams-$300 team
16 and up teams-$400 team
This Pay scale does not include LollyPalooza or Flower City. Double Money tournaments cap at $600 per team.
Bookings are closed for this event.